Warning: These routes are under development, their itineraries may undergo changes and they are not signposted.

Fundación Destino Rocío and Mediacrest produce a teaser as a preview of a future documentary series of the Senderos del Rocío project.

The Destino Rocío Foundation, in collaboration with the renowned production company Mediacrest, promotes the shooting of a teaser or short documentary video that will serve as a preview of a future documentary series. This project, which aims to be a platform for the dissemination and promotion of the Senderos del Rocío project, has received financial support from the Consejería de Presidencia de la Junta de Andalucía.

This financial collaboration reflects the commitment and institutional support for the initiative, demonstrating the importance that the Ministry of the Presidency of the Andalusian Regional Government attaches to the dissemination and popularization of the values and objectives of the Senderos del Rocío project. This investment not only supports the production of the teaser, but also highlights the strategic relevance that this documentary series will have in the region.

The teaser, backed by this funding, seeks not only to preview the future documentary series, but also to convey the essence and purpose of the Senderos del Rocío project, offering an intriguing and engaging vision of what is to come. This partnership between the foundation, the production company and the financial backing of the Ministry of the Presidency represents a solid and committed union to carry forward a project that seeks not only to entertain, but also to educate and sensitize the public about the values and essence of Senderos del Rocío.

Documentary short film "A history of the trail, Alhama de Granada": Stage 15 of the Garrucha Trail.

Outdooractive, our technology partner

Meeting with Tourism of the Xunta de Galicia

Presentation of the Project in the Village of El Rocío

We participated in both the presentation ceremony and the Camino del Rocío sin Barreras pilgrimage.

Key Collaborator: Andalusian Mountaineering Federation

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