Warning: These routes are under development, their itineraries may undergo changes and they are not signposted.

Who are we?

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Fundación Destino Rocío is a non-profit organization, with the aim of promoting the cultural, artistic and historical heritage of Andalusia, always from a point of view of sustainability and environmental protection. Likewise, the Foundation seeks local, social and economic development, the structuring of the territory and the technological and economic promotion of more rural areas, promoting its national and international expansion.


The Foundation pursues the following objectives:

  • Attention to the cultural heritage of the itineraries of the different routes, both tangible and intangible, and the support of new artistic talents within the framework of these routes.
  • The promotion, development and management of services and structures for the care and reception of visitors and pilgrims.
  • The promotion of ICTs applied and directed to sustainable development.
  • The promotion and development of the values of the pilgrimage world, such as constancy, austerity and effort.

The Destino Rocío Foundation aims to enhance the value of a network of roads and trails already existing in Andalusia, through which the general population is encouraged to cycle, horseback ride or walk along these paths, in order to promote cultural, artistic and historical heritage, as well as the knowledge and enjoyment of the environment. Its purpose is to design, supervise and disseminate a series of itineraries along rural roads, which, starting from different corners of Andalusia, converge in the Aldea del Rocío, in the heart of the Doñana National Park, in the province of Huelva.

For the promotion and development of its objectives, the Fundación Destino Rocío has held numerous meetings with institutions, organizations, associations and companies from the moment of its constitution. It has also carried out public acts of presentation and dissemination of the Senderos del Rocío project. 

The Destino Rocío Foundation is organized through the Board of Trustees, the governing and representative body of the Foundation.

Chairman and trustee: José Manuel Soto Alarcón
Vice President and Trustee: Federico Aguilar Cazorla
Secretario y patrono: Carlos González de Castro.
Antonio Castaño Juncá
Javier Gonzalo Ibarra
José Luis García-Palacios Álvarez (Fundación Caja Rural del Sur).
José María Pacheco Guardiola (Konecta Foundation).
Gerente: Pendiente de designación.
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Economic boost for Andalusia

The Senderos del Rocío project aims to generate a positive economic impact in Andalusia, similar to that of the Camino de Santiago in Galicia. It seeks to revitalize vast unpopulated areas with limited resources by promoting lodging, retail, service and restaurant businesses along the proposed routes and in the surrounding areas. It is hoped that pilgrims will be attracted by the diverse opportunities to explore our varied land.

In essence, it is a project aimed at connecting all corners of Andalusia with the Village of El Rocío through rural roads accessible throughout the year, adapted to individual preferences. 

Paths of El Rocío. Andalusia that leaves its mark

Garrucha-El Rocio Trail

Campo de Gibraltar Trail

Coming soon

Ham and Fandango Trail

Coming soon